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Understanding the SolidWorks link

Data synchronization is the primary configurable feature of the SolidWorks link. The link can synchronize SolidWorks property values (linked to drawing title block text, for example) with Meridian document properties. For more information on linking SolidWorks properties (evaluated values) to title block text, see the SolidWorks documentation.

Meridian can synchronize property values automatically at key events in a document’s life cycle and manually using commands in the Meridian client applications and provided by add-ins installed in the linked applications. The synchronization events are determined by the document’s type, as described in Configuring title block updates. You configure the SolidWorks link by specifying:

You configure the SolidWorks link by editing a text file in Configurator as described in the following topics.

Related tasks

Configuring SolidWorks property synchronization

Hiding Navigation views in the SolidWorks browser

Configuring the Application Integration properties pane